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Wrapped Up: A Bittersweet Finish

Writer: Kathleen Kelly ReyesKathleen Kelly Reyes

The genesis of the experimentation—played by the sector that introduced the shift to the K-12 program despite its lack of concrete foundation, and then was robbed of two years of their university life, slammed by the pandemic, made the announcement of face-to-face graduation more celebratory to the batch 2022 graduation candidates. A hopeful turn as this did not only light up the situation but also lit the path to a better tomorrow.

It cannot be denied how things are slowly getting back to normal and it was proven by the announcement that triggered positive reactions from our graduating students. Graduation rites have been virtually done for the past two years, but things seem to swing on the students' side as face-to-face graduation was approved by the University last August 1, 2022.

As the National Flag was raised on the PUP grounds on the first Monday of August, President Muhi announced that the face-to-face graduation would push through. It shows hope and inspiration to the students and their parents. The said graduation will include recognition and diploma distribution to the 2022 batch. There will be clusters per department to comply with the guidelines of IATF health protocols or the Inter-Agency Task Force for COVID-19 response. There will be three clusters: undergraduate students from the main campus, undergraduate students from branches and campuses, and graduate school students.

It has been a tradition all around the globe to celebrate the success of every student by recognizing and honoring their efforts and achievements through graduation rites. It encompasses the success of the students and their parents to surpass a phase in their lives. It signifies an ending and a new beginning in their lives. Many people look forward to experiencing it, not just through a screen or inside their homes.

Agreeably, there is no doubt that the students deserve it. With the opening of public places and attractions like malls, parks, concert venues, and the like that are way more crowded than churches and schools, have been able to conduct face-to-face graduation should also be allowed and exercisable. Batch 2022 deserves this face-to-face graduation as they are by far the most challenged, tested, and pressed batch among any other considering their experience and sacrifices not only for four but six years.

According to an interview held with a graduating Accounting student, with them having firsthand experience of K-12, they can say that during their time, the curriculum and materials are not thoroughly prepared and are still lacking information for the students. On the other hand, they claimed that undergoing senior high school had helped them improve their speaking and writing skills. It has strengthened their foundation in research which has helped them be knowledgeable and ready for college. It also helped them to adjust to JHS before entering the big schools of college.

This milestone showed that the University is making an effort for its students amidst the pandemic. It is not only about how to improve their distance learning but it will also display how they care about the students' welfare and takes pride in them.

From the point of view of a graduating student, the upcoming face-to-face graduation feels like going on a cloud nine. With the fact that they can step onto the stage with their loved ones and savor their success despite having a 2-year online class setup. In contrast, the date is a bit out of place since there was a long interval between the end of their classes and their graduation which took about four months.

A student said, “Nawala na spark kasi 4 months na kaming tapos by that time since July pa nag-end ang sem” Also, the guidelines are released on a later date which has caused problems for those students and parents from provinces, and those who works abroad. Even the list of graduates is released late.

(It lost its spark because it would have been 4 months since the end of the semester)

Nonetheless, the first product of the K-12 program of DepEd has reached the final stage of education, they will now be a degree holder who is ready to set foot onto the next journey.

Though all the students have poured the same effort and encountered the same subjects and hardships, it seems unfair that some would have to experience face-to-face graduation, and some had virtually done it on September 16, 2022. This vis-à-vis graduation rite also has its downside for those students who have already left the nest of PUP but did not experience having their ceremonial rituals on a stage.

Two batches could not experience face-to-face graduation because of the government's restrictions and the risks of infection by COVID-19. Indeed, time will never be returned, and their chance to experience a normal graduation rite seems to have faded away.

After two years of remote learning and graduation rites, this physical graduation will show and give pride and honor to the school and, most and foremost, the students and parents–signifying their hard work for four years and giving them more reason to be proud of their alma mater. Nothing is more meaningful than walking down the center stage with your black toga and your proud self. Though a bare minimum act for our graduates, this vis-à-vis graduation is undoubtedly something worth waiting for.

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