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Alexandra Biltz

Love – a simple feeling yet so complex in meaning. It branches out to almost all emotions and is regarded to be the universal language all forms of being can comprehend. Traditionally, we view love as only between people who are related by blood, relationships between the opposite sex, and platonic friendships. But as we progress alongside this fault-finding world, love has become boundless and unstoppable, and continues to prove that it has no requirement to be or not to be with whoever one’s heart desires.

Society has set our minds to comply with the orthodox norms and standards that force many of us to conform for the sake of avoiding judgment and discrimination. But these so-called “standards” prevent us from being the person we are meant to become. Biological designation of sexuality does not prevent us from an outing and expressing ourselves nor what society dictates to be right. It is only a mere scientific reality and is not the fundamental basis for living in the manner we desire. The same is the case when we talk about love. Relationships, in whatever nature, are primarily built and defined by love, and not by any condescending murmurs of antagonistic groups. The challenge is very obvious, but some are still oblivious – gender inequality diminishes the confidence of homosexual people which stirs up their fear of not being accepted by society. Hence, some remain closeted and conceal their identity by showcasing a false façade to gratify others.

Relationships are surely messy and complex, especially if challenged by the oppressive ideals of the majority. Same-sex relationships encompass the beauty of not seeing the person based on their innate orientation but discovering what is beyond. Some same-sex relationships remain to be hidden because of personal reasons while some are open and loud in expressing their endearment towards their partner. Either way, respect and fairness towards peoples’ private decisions are expected to succeed above anything else.

LGBT+ members started to become curious about their sexuality at a young age. Others become confused and begin to doubt themselves at a much later stage in their lives. Some became definite about their orientation because of having an attraction to the same sex. Gender identity crisis is being experienced by individuals, specifically adolescents, who are in the state of disconnecting between their assigned sex and gender identity which can cause depression, anxiety, and exhibition of suicidal behavior. However different the situation may be in facing a gender identity crisis, one thing is undeniably present in such a phase, it is never an easy trip to fully discovering and acknowledging who you truly are.

All couples, whether homosexual or heterosexual, go through and against highs and lows that surface in any relationship. The beginnings are always the sweetest and are named as the “honeymoon phase” for new lovers. The excitement is always at its peak and causes the lovers to make irrational choices and foolish actions. This is the stage where lovers begin to strengthen the relationship by building trust, achieving expectations, opening insecurities, and exploring communication styles. Regardless of who a person loves, when two people are sincerely in love, you begin to dwell in your other half’s world however complex it is. For LGBT+ persons, the same idea and practice of love are followed except it has additional external stressors that can strengthen or wither the established relationship of the couple. Rejection by one’s own family members, friends, and colleagues, isolation from the real world, enduring harsh comments and posts online, and going against stereotypes are a few of the many challenges the LGBT+ community bravely faces and suffers because of the unfair treatment of the world.

Colors vary distinctively from one another. The same is applicable to humans. We shine at our brightest when we determine what color is meant for us. Being yellow doesn’t necessarily mean you abandoned being red nor do you become an entirely different person. It is about being true to oneself which is basically the first step to happiness. The welcoming of a new chapter is scary and sometimes confusing, but it doesn’t have to be a solitary journey one should travel. Be the person your future self will be proud of and travel that road with the person who will honestly, truly, and completely accept and love you for what you are and not for the society expects you to be.

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