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Stonewall Forever: A Rainbow After The Rain

Kc Belvis

"Trans rights are human rights!" cried out the LGBTQ+ community as they fought for their rights, equality, and existence. The Stonewall riots are an iconic part of Pride's history. Have you heard about it? Do you have any idea what it is? As we commemorate Pride Month this June, let us remember all the storms and rains they had to endure for a rainbow to emerge and shine brightly.

Stonewall means fighting against inequality, oppression, racism, and transphobia that exists in the community. It is the voices of the LGBTQ+ community who want to be accepted and be free. They call it a Stonewall Riot or Stonewall Uprising that started when the police raided the Stonewall Inn. Watching the documentary video entitled Stonewall Forever shows how far they've gone after all the challenges they have encountered and it made me even more proud since they wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for people who spoke up to fight for their rights and existence.

"Pride is not just about the parade, it's actually about a riot against the police."

Being LGBT in New York City was illegal in the 1960s; they were not welcomed and fought to live their identities. The Pre-Stonewall is all about the fight against the police and cops. They may arrest and humiliate you if they discover you as a member of the LGBT community or engage in homosexual behavior in public. The LGBT do, however, have a safe haven in the West Village. It's a safe spot for gays and lesbians where they can be themselves, hang around, and feel like a family. The Stonewall Inn, a gay bar, was also located within the town. It's also their home and a safe haven for queers and gays who want to express themselves freely. It is where they couldn't be bothered.

However, on July 28, 1969, on a Friday night, the police came in and raided the Stonewall Inn, where they were arrested and dragged out of the gay bar. This was when the Stonewall Riot started. It was when they felt amazing because all of them were there and started to fight back against the police to never let themselves be dismissed and arrested again. It is the start of social change. The Gay Liberation Front began to organize and inform the world that they exist whether you like it or not.

"We are Out!"

In addition, the Christopher Street Liberation Day March became the first Pride march. They left their safe haven in the West Village and marched to Central Park to express themselves and begin fighting for their independence and rights. The march became public and that is the time when they started to live differently. Then, other identities also started to come out. One of them is the transgenders, started by Sylvia Rivera who bravely faced the people who are bashing and blocking her just to speak and let the world know about them. It was a long and emotional journey. They've experienced being ignored and people stand back from them and treat them like a nuisance. It wasn't an easy ride, there were a lot of struggles, and there was fear but all of it was worth it because what is important is that they are out.

The rainbow was out.

People started to notice them, started to accept them, and started to appreciate the rainbow that beautifully came out after the rain and storms.

"Equality has to be for everybody."

However, the fight doesn't end there. They continue to fight and voice out to get free from racism and oppression, even today. They continue to have their mark and fight for their community to be heard and acknowledged. As we celebrate Pride month annually, let's not forget that every one of us, regardless of gender, is human, and we have rights. Freedom, rights, acceptance, love, and happiness are not just for men and women. It is for everyone. Everyone deserves to have the privilege, to be loved, to be free, to be accepted, and to be happy. Let's appreciate each other because we all matter.

Today, pride is still not just about the parade, also not just about the fight against the police, it is a fight for everyone in the community, remembering how it all started and still letting the world know that they exist and they won't be erased. After all of the hindrance, struggles, and pains, they are the most beautiful rainbow that will never be insignificant in this lifetime.

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