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PUP JPIAns win International Competition Championship

Writer: Kristian Denise MagliponKristian Denise Maglipon

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

PUP JPIAns received awards in the Asia Pacific Youth Leadership Summit (APYS) 2022 Business Case Study Challenge, with the theme “Empowering Youth with Climate Leadership” hosted by the Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) - Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Chapter. PUP JPIA’s representatives Team Tanglaw consisting of Mariel E. Dipolog, John Paul M. Fadrilan, John Renz C. Oliveros, and Daniel C. Terencio won 1st place while Team Iskolar was one of the Top 8 Finalists consisting of Perbielyn A. Basinillo, Andrei Nicole Bitara, Aj Ryan Z. Del Rosario, and Ren Gabriel D. Velasco. Team Tanglaw and Team Iskolar are members of the PUP JPIA Manila FINESTs and they had a consultation meeting with Mr. Mark Anecito Perlas, CPA for the preliminary round and final round. Among the top 8 finalists, only the top 3 teams were recognized, Team Tanglaw as 1st placer, United 4 as 2nd placer, and Phoenix Rise Ashes as 3rd placer. The said summit ran in four days; September 1 for the Preliminary Round, September 4 for the Pitching deck and video representation, September 12 for the announcement of the finalists for the Final Round of Business Case Challenge, and September 15 was the Final round of the Business Case Study Challenge. Moreover, the panelists of the event were Teh Poey Sang, Finance Director of Dell Technologies Malaysia; Muhammad Taqi'uddin bin Mehd Hamzah Murghayah, Senior Associate, Product and Business Development Kenenga Islamic Investors Berhad; Elly Chen Xiao Wen, Special Project Associate of Human Inc.; Tahiruddin Bin Haji Hamdan, Senior Director, Environment Safety and Health of Malaysia; and Andrew Yew, Manager of student recruitment of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW Malaysia). The event aims to develop the participants’ cognitive skills in which the participants will be exposed to consulting cases that require them to solve the problem or crisis faced in the most effective and innovative way.

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