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PUP JPIA COMELEC announces application for EO 2022-2023

Writer: Kristian Denise MagliponKristian Denise Maglipon

To serve as PUP Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Manila's Executive Officers for the Federation Year 2022-2023, the PUP JPIA Commission on Elections recently opened its application on April 27.

On its official Facebook page, the PUP JPIA Commission on Elections announced the search for the next set of Executive Officers of PUP JPIA Manila by providing a google form to be filled out by the interested applicants.

The PUP JPIA Commission on Elections will be sending a confirmation email with the documentary requirements to those who will fill out the said google form.

The positions that are open for the aspiring officers are President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Non-Academic Affairs, Associate Vice President for Non-Academic Affairs, Vice President for Finance, Vice President for Audit, Vice President for Membership, Associate Vice President for Membership, Vice President for Information and Publicity, Associate Vice President for Information and Publicity, and Secretary-General.

"No office is perfect, nor will there ever be one. Difficulties will arise after your every success, and even before them. But lest you be discouraged by these individual, minuscule challenges, the core of your service should always be the JPIA community," said Pio Emmanuel Presquito, PUP JPIA Manila President Federation Year 2021-2022, in an interview.

Mr. Presquito also uplifted the aspiring officers to keep in mind to do good for the pride of their disposition, do well for the legacy of their federation, and do their best in the spirit of the organization.

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