We forget how important it is to take a break. Stop. Pause. When everything seems to be falling apart around us when everything is moving faster than we are. Just a reminder that putting a pause takes less effort than keeping life constantly played. Get grounded in the present and make the biggest positive impact.
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by long and excessive stress. You may feel this when you are overwhelmed, you are lacking motivation and you are not used to feeling this way, but now it's just not making sense. This is a lot more common than we think.
First sign that is very common is exhaustion. You feel it every single time right from the very moment you wake up. Whether you had 7 hours or 8 hours of sleep, you just want to lay down and get back to bed. You still feel tired mentally and physically. It’s your brain saying that you don’t want to do stuff.
Second is the lack of motivation. You feel that nothing would make a difference. That you cannot perform the same way again. There’s a change of motivational level from your previous self to your current self. There are things and tasks that you need to do, but don’t have enough energy to push through with the tasks that you can easily do before. You have a demotivational feeling inside of you.
Next up is that you are way pessimistic. You’re sending more negative aura and vibes toward the people surrounding you. You get irritated and frustrated at simple things. You get angry in small actions and petty things up to their tiniest details. You usually have a lot of breakdowns and send them out to the people around you.
Observe also that you’re not taking care of yourself. Most of the time, people who are experiencing burnout are getting addicted to things that take their pain away. Like smoking or drinking in an excessive manner. Trying to channel the frustration into something. You’re not getting enough sleep and not eating or too much eating.
Lastly, look at the problems you have in your relationships. Even if it is towards your parents, siblings, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, or just simply anyone around you. When experiencing burnout, you’re feeling that something is not working for you and life gives you more reason to see that everything is not making it up for you. Just like one bad thing leads to another bad thing and that bad thing leads to another one until it ends up in a mountain of misfortunes. You’ll feel like everything is just out of control.
Those are the signs that you’re burnout. Now, what shall you do?
Take courage to acknowledge and accept the situation. The more you reject the idea that you are not experiencing it, the longer it will manifest on you. Accept that you got to work something within you.
After accepting, what’s next?
To counter and alleviate this feeling, the first step that you need to do is to take a breather. Take a walk, listen to music, or watch movies. Take a conscious breather and set time for about an hour per day to literally just breathe. This not only calms, but it teaches your mind that you have a sense of control over your time. It doesn’t need to be a grand vacation, but just take a breather and slow the time.
You may also stay off your phone as much as you can. Stop looking at other people’s lives on social media because you are already overwhelmed with your own life. It will only amplify your emotions.
Did you know that having two-and-a-half-hour sleep per day is as unhealthy as smoking 12 cigarettes per day? That’s how dangerous it is. If you are not getting enough sleep, you are already risking your health. On the other hand, getting enough sleep is not the same as oversleeping because in this case, you may become sluggish. Just take adequate sleep and get back on track.
Some of us may have too many things happening at once but it is also a big step to stop multitasking - if necessary. You are feeling overwhelmed most of the time, right? The least thing that you need to do is multitask. If you are catching two rabbits at the same time, then you will end up catching none. You need to let your mind and body know that it can finish a single task at a time. Focus on one task then proceed to another.
Last thing, reach out to people. Find someone, even just one person who can listen to you. They don’t need to take the burnout away, but you need someone to talk to and vent out. A person that will not try to resolve your problem. Someone who may not always respond to you but makes sure that you feel heard. Choose a person who can talk and listen whenever it is necessary.
So JPIAns, whenever you feel tired, do not forget to breathe. Let it out. Take a break. After all, a simple breather can change you big time.