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NEWS┃PUP’s New Admission Process: ‘CAEPUP’ open until April 30, 2021

Kimberly Virtudazo and Ella Lopez

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) goes online with its new process of college admission through the ‘College Admission Evaluation of PUP (CAEPUP)’. This will temporarily replace the traditional PUP College Entrance Test (PUPCET) as a response to the ‘new normal’, which is also in-line with the online application process of the university for its incoming freshmen as per the academic year 2021-2022.

This change is due to the strict health protocols enacted within the country brought about by the health risks of the COVID-19 pandemic. The change embraced a totally different process of assessing the university’s applicants. In which primarily, the grades of an applicant from their previous report cards will be evaluated and will serve as the reference of the university for their admission process instead of conducting the usual standardized proficiency test.

The online application for the university is supposed to be open from January 22 up until March 26. However, the ‘CAEPUP iApply’ temporarily closed its application process due to some system adjustments. And finally after months of being halted, it reopened last April 14, and will accept applicants for the remaining available academic programs on a “First-Come-First-Served Basis” up until April 30.

Interested and potential applicants may visit the Online Student Support Services Action enter (OSSSAC) at the PUP website for inquiries.

‘CAEPUP’ follows a new set of rules and procedures for freshmen application to comply with the thriving implementation of health protocols.

Qualified students who can apply for ‘CAEPUP’ are high school graduates who are not yet enrolled in any technical/diploma/degree program after graduation. They must have a final grade of at least 85% from Grade 10 and 11.

Grades for grade 10 subjects: Math, English, and Science; as well as grade 11 first and second semester subjects: Oral Communication, Reading and Writing, General Math, Statistics and Probability, Physical Science, and Earth Science must also be at least 85%.

Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) Passers eligible for college admission with an average of at least 85% in its five subject areas such as Math, English, Science, Filipino, and Araling Panlipunan are also qualified.

Alternative Learning System Accreditation & Equivalency (ALS A & E) Test for Secondary Level Passers who are eligible for college admission with at least 100 Standard Score, and with Essay Writing of 2 or higher can also take the ‘CAEPUP’.

Interested applicants may go to the ‘iApply’ through the PUP website, in consideration that an applicant is only allowed to apply for ‘CAEPUP’ once in the current academic year, and only in one PUP campus. Registration and claim of the CAEPUP Application Voucher which contains the date, time, permit number, campus, and other necessary information about the applicant that is valid only for the First Semester of AY 2021-2022 is then expected.

The said application process is free of charge. Applicants are advised to prepare a digital 2x2 photo with white background and name tag bearing their last name, first name, and middle name for the issuance of the ‘CAEPUP’ Application Voucher.

PUP Senior High School Admission for SY 2021-2022 is also conducted and evaluated online.

Interested applicants are advised to keep updated for further announcements.

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